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Red Internacional Escéptica
European Council of Skeptical Or-
ganizations. Amardeo Sarma.
Postfach 1222, D-64374 Rossdorf.
Fax: + 49-6154-81912. Correo elec-
trónico: [email protected].
: Society for the Scientific
Investigation of Para-Science
(GWUP). Secretario: Amardeo Sar-
ma. Postfach 1222. D-64374
Rossdorf. Alemania. Tel.: +49-6154-
695021. Fax: +49-6154-695022. Co-
rreo electrónico: [email protected].
: Committee Para. Presiden-
te: J. Dommanget. Observatoire Royal
de Belgique. Avenue Circulaire 3. B-
1180 Brussels. SKEPP. Secretario: W.
Betz. Laarbeeklaan 103. B1090
Brussels. Fax: 32-2-4774301.
: Contacto: Indrek Rohtmets.
Horisont. EE 0102 Tallinn, Narva mnt.
: Skepsis. Presidente: Ilpo
V. Salmi. Secretario: Anneli Aurejdrvi.
Sireenitie 10b A2. FIN-01390 Vantaa.
Correo electrónico: sjhiltun@cc. (Sami Hiltunen).
: Cercle Zététique. Contac-
to: Paul-Eric Blanrue. 12 Rue David
Deitz. 57000 Metz. Comite Francais
pour l’Etude des Phenomenes Pa-
ranormaux. Merlin Gerin. RGE/A2
38050 Grenoble Cedex. Union
Rationaliste. Contacto: Jean-Paul
Krivine. 14, Rue de l’Ecole Polytech-
nique. 75005 París.
: Stichting Skepsis. Secre-
tario: Rob Nanninga. Westerkade 20,
9718 AS Groningen.
: Hungarian Skeptics. Gyula
Bencze. Termeszet Vilaga. PO Box 25.
Budapest 8,1444. Fax: 011-36-1-
: Irish Skeptics. Contacto:
Peter O’Hara. St Joseph’s Hospital,
: Comitato Italiano per il Con-
trollo delle Affermazioni sul Para-
normale (CICAP). Contacto:
Massimo Polidoro, editor de Correo
electrónico. PO Box 60, 27058
Voghera (PV).
: Skepsis. St Olavsgt. 27, N-
0166, Oslo.
: London Student
Skeptics. Contacto: Bill Harman. 21
Manville Rd., London SW17 8JW.
Wessex Skeptics. Contacto: Robin
Allen. Department of Physics.
Southampton Univ. Highfield.
Southampton S09 5NH. Skeptical
Inquirer Representative. Michael J.
Hutchinson. 10 Crescent View.
Loughton. Essex IG10 4PZ. Correo
electrónico: [email protected]. The
Skeptic Magazine. Editores: Toby
Howard y Steve Donnelly. PO Box 475.
Manchester M60 2TH Correo electró-
nico: [email protected].
: Czech Club of
Skeptics. Contacto: Ivan David.
Vozova 5 Prague 3. 73000.
: Zdravyi Smysl. Contacto: Va-
lery A. Kuvakin. Novatorov 18-2-2.
Moscú 117421.
: Vetenskap och Folkbild-
ning. Secretario: Sven Ove Hansson.
Box 185. 101 23 Stockholm.
: Perspective. Director: Oleg
G. Bakhtiarov. 3-B Khmelnitskogo St.
252001. Kiev.
: Centro Argentino para
la Investigación y Refutación de
la Pseudociencia (CAIRP). Direc-
tor: Ladislao Enrique Márquez. Casi-
lla de Correo 26. Sucursal 25. 1425
Buenos Aires.
: Nacional: Australian
Skeptics. Ejecutivo: Barry Williams.
PO Box 268. Roseville, NSW 2069.
Tel.: 61-2-9417-2071. Fax: 61-2-
9417-7930. Correo electrónico:
[email protected].
Regionales: Australian Capital Te-
rritory. PO Box 555. Civic Square
2608. Hunter Skeptics (Newcas-
tle). PO Box 166. Waratah. NSW
2298. Darwin Skeptics (Northern
Territory). PO Box 809. Sanderson.
NT 0812. Queensland. PO Box
6454. Fairfield Gardens. QLD 4103.
South Australia. PO Box 91. Magill
5072. Victoria. PO Box 5166AA.
Melbourne. VIC 3001. Western
Australia. PO Box 899. Morley. WA
: Opçao Racional. Luis Gut-
man. Rua Santa Clara, 431. Bloco 5,
Apt. 803. Copacabana - Río de Janeiro
22041-010. Tel.: 55-21-5482476.
: Alberta Skeptics. Secreta-
ria: Heidi Lloyd-Price. PO Box 5571.
Station A. Calgary, Alberta T2H 1X9.
British Columbia Skeptics. Contac-
to: Lee Moller. 1188 Beaufort Road.
Vancouver V7G 1R7. Manitoba
Skeptics. Presidente: John Toews. PO
Box 92. St. Vital. Winnipeg. Manitoba.
R2M 4A5. Ontario Skeptics. Presi-
dente: Henry Gordon. 343 Clark Ave
West, Suite 1009. Thornhill Ontario
L4J 7K5. Sceptiques du Quebec.
Jean Ouellette. CP 202, Succ.
Beaubien. Montreal H2G 3C9. Línea
caliente escéptica 24 horas: 514-990-
: China Association for Scien-
ce and Technology. Contacto: Shen
Zhenyu. Research Center - CAST. PO
Box 8113. Beijing. Chinese Skeptics
Circle. Contacto: Wu Xianghong. PO
Box 4-doctor. Renmin Univ. of China,
Beijing 100872. Hong Kong Skep-
tics. Contacto: Rebecca Bradley. PO
Box 1010. Shatin Central Post Office.
Shatin, NT.
: Nacional: Commi-
ttee for the Scientific Investiga-
tion of Claims of the Paranormal
(CSICOP). Presidente: Paul Kurtz. PO
Box 703. Amherst. NY 14226-0703.
Tel.: 716-636-1425. Fax: 716-636-
1733. Correo electrónico:info@csicop.
Regionales: Alabama Skeptics.
Emory Kimbrough, 3550 Water-
melon Road. Apt. 28A. Northport.
AL 35476. Tel.: 205-759-2624. Tuc-
son Skeptics Inc. Presidente: Ja-
mes McGaha. 7049 E. Tangue Ver-
de Road. Suite 370, Tucson. AZ
85715. Phoenix Skeptics. Presi-
dente: Michael Stackpole. PO Box
60333. Phoenix. AZ 85082. Bay
Area Skeptics. Secretaria: Wilma
Russell. 17723 Buti Park Court. Cas-
tro Valley. CA 94546. East Bay
Skeptics Society. Presidente: Da-
niel Sabsay. PO Box 20989.
Oakland. CA 94620. Tel.: 510-420-
0702. Sacramento Skeptics So-
ciety, Terry Sandbek. 3550 Watt
Avenue, Suite #3. Sacramento. CA
95821. Tel.: 916-488-3772. Correo
electrónico: [email protected].
San Diego Association for Ratio-
nal Inquiry (SDARI). 945 Fourth
Avenue. San Diego. CA 92101. Tel.:
619-233-1888. Fax: 619-696-9476.
Correo electrónico: dnoelle@cs. Rocky Mountain
Skeptics. Presidente: Bela
Scheiber. PO Box 7277. Boulder. CO
80306. Tel.: 303-444-5368. Correo
electrónico: rmscentral@aol. com.
Connecticut Skeptical Society.
PO Box 456. Cheshire. CT 06410-